Spanish Language Books as a
Proven Spanish Learning Tool ExplainedBooks or textbooks
are the oldest form of language learning programs. They are still widely used in combination with various language
learning methods.
Books are a part of our habits, we read books throughout all our lives. Normally
we don’t associate them necessarily with learning. Yet a lot of people prefer to study from books. There are some
language learning methods that are based exclusively on books.
Books for Spanish language learning are very effective when provided along with
proper audio lessons and exercises.
- Book is very user friendly and convenient to use – you can read it anywhere
and anytime, when you have enough light for reading
O Book is well-arranged and easy to follow, as your attention is
concentrated in one direction only.
- It is comprehensive – a language book can offer you all the language
aspects, and it can contain dialogues, stories, words and phrases, grammar exercises, explanations, interesting
facts about the target country and its language and so on.
- It’s convenient both for moving and for tracking your progress. You can go on
with the next lesson if you feel you have a good knowledge of what you’ve learnt so far. If you feel insecure
about the learnt material, you might go back a couple of pages, so that you repeat some of the exercises or
re-read one of your Spanish lessons. You can be aware of what you have passed so far and what you have to go
through till the book is over. You can’t do that so easily with an audio course or language study
- The Spanish audio might not be enough and often just providing an audio
version of a written lesson is not enough for a student.
- Even a well-written Spanish self-study book could be underestimated, as many
people associate Spanish language books with grammar-translation method which is often used at schools, and is
not intended to develop your talking and listening skills and to successfully apply Spanish in real life
- Usually there are lots of grammar explanations, and they are not in
Spanish, they are in English. What is more, often the presented Spanish grammar is not combined with a
sufficient number of grammar exercises and drills. For this reason audio-lingual methods are considered more
advanced than Spanish learning methods based on books – for example Pimsleur method does not teaches grammar
explicitly, with any explanations but in way that makes the learner fully unaware of it.
- Books are normally associated with reading and writing. If your Spanish
program comprises audio lesson or interactive language software platform, it’s much easier to get used to watch
Spanish TV or listen to Spanish radio (for example), as additional way to develop your talking skills. With a
language book this is more difficult, as in most of your learning time you normally work with
Books for Spanish learning are a universal platform both for language beginners
and intermediate students.
A Spanish textbook can be combined with other types of Spanish programs – audio or
software. What is more, book is quite flexible as it can exist both in paper and electronic form.
Nowadays every textbook for Spanish learning is provided with audio recordings in
order to develop all types of language skills.
A typical example of a good-written textbook is “Teach Yourself
Spanish” of the popular “Teach Yourself” language series, published about more than 60 world